Artist/Director at Massive Monster ╰( • ε • )╯

Age 35, Male



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Jimp's News

Posted by Jimp - July 24th, 2009

Just thought id post an update on my summer games for anyone that cares!

Redneck Downhill Challenge is going great, its been a lot of work with the editor LongAnimals is developing, but it will allow us to put huge levels together quickly, and is also a great framework for other games we can make in the future.

Ive done the movieclips and backgrounds for 5 levels, and Im really pleased with how diverse and different each one is. Hopefully the range of visuals and colours will keep eyes entertained and offer something visually new every time you reach a new stage.

Check out a nice big image here showing off 2 of the level templates! Fuck the 464x464 image limit!

Another game ive been working on, again with LongAnimals using the Redneck Engine, is a quick physics based puzzle game. The idea is to use guinea pigs to blow bubble gum balloons over animals and free them from the grip of the Anti Pig.... or something like that. Haha yeah its random as hell but i lover those little fuckers, just something quick to get me used to using the level editor.

If youre interested in flash game development and micro transactions (mochicoins?), check out this article, it really opened my eyes to how little we are actually getting for our work compared to other media industries with audiences in the tens of millions.

Ive been thinking a lot about this and I may well go down the micro transaction route with Penguinz 2. Id never charge for the whole game or even half the game, but making money from selling extra content means we can spend longer making better games and they can be a long term investment. This hopefully means we'll be able to spend 6 months + making the fucking best flash games ever, and be able to afford to eat. We'll see motherfuckers, peace out.

Rednecks and bubblegumblowing guinea pigs!

Posted by Jimp - July 6th, 2009

Quick post cos I made one the other day, but Penguinz was featured in News of The World yesterday, which is a national paper here in UK!

Pretty fuckin' awesome to actually see the little bastard in there!

Check it out!

Penguinz was in the paper!

Posted by Jimp - July 4th, 2009

Hey, havent been around here for a while. I took a month or so off, starting with Download festival. I had a fucking amazing time, pretty much every band I saw were great (I mainly enjoyed Killswitch, Opeth, Clutch, this, Fei Comodo, Meshuggah, fightstar really surprised me, slipknot...)

Then i got home, found out how much Penguinz made off kongregate and partied for a few weeks and bought myself shiny new 2.8Ghz Macbook Pro. I got so fuckin tired of Flash crashing and shit going wrong with Windows computers, I decided to give Apple a try. They got it right for my phone and i use OSX quite a bit at Uni. I love it. Nothing has crashed so far and it just looks cool as hell.

So yeah, time to do some work. If you havent already played it, check out Medieval Mercenary! It did alright in the portal, but paid for my macbook so Im happy :)

Next is Redneck Downhill Challenge with LongAnimals (he has been going mental releasing stuff lately). Had this one on the backburner for quite a while but its time to knuckle down and make it as shit hot as possible. This one isn't a contract or anything, so its gonna be a case of making the best game possible. Im quietly very excited about the art in this one, I think its gonna look great!

Anyway im gonna go watch The Hangover then make some god damn games. Check out Homonid chillin' on the Mac :P

also rednecks

I got some cool stuff + new games!

Posted by Jimp - May 20th, 2009

So its pretty much the start of the summer for me now, Uni is almost over and ive got a load of stuff going on over the next few months.

Medieval Mercenaries is as good as done now, all the art is in there, just needs gameplay tweaking. Its actually turned into a really fun game, its so very satisfying hacking hordes of enemies and seeing them going flying into pieces, blood splattering on the screen...

The different weapons mix up the gameplay well, and you find yourself switching between them for different situations, which I like. The enemies are more varied this time around and a lot of them have a few different attacks, which again mixes stuff up a bit. So yeah, thatll be out pretty soon, depends how long armor games hold onto it!

So, power of 3, how fucking exciting does this sound? I think this could turn into the biggest thing Newgrounds has done, some of the groups look amazing and im REALLY looking forward to seeing what people come up with. I dunno what the hell is gonna happen but I think everyones in for a massive treat at the end of the summer. This will truly demonstrate the power of our community.

Ive managed to team up with Luis and Glaiel, which im fucking stoked about. These guys are my idols and ive literally been playing their games for years, its going to be amazing to get to work with them and we've already started throwing some really cool ideas around. Im going to put everything ive got into this, its a massive opportunity for me and I wanna show everyone what im made of.

Ive got another game on the horizon which ive mentioned before, Redneck Downhill Challenge. Im not gonna go into any details, but its something a bit different that im really enjoying doing the artwork for. It should turn into a sweet little game too, and should hopefully pwn games like shopping cart hero and learn to fly which are doing so well at the moment.

<<< I did a newgrounds portrait, what do you think? Feels pretty fuckin wierd drawing myself, looks quite a lot like me though which im surprised about!

So I got loads of shit coming up, as well as a 6 week work placement with the guys that make all the Lego and hannah montana flash games!

Hey, I went a whole news post without mentioning Penguinz 2 ;)

Here be dragons!

EDIT: Oh snap, my name just changed! Now you can all know me as everyone else does :) Cheers Luis/Tom!

Summer projects + stuff

Posted by Jimp - May 3rd, 2009

Hey, ive just made a post on my blog if anyone likes my stuff, got lots more pictures and things of upcoming stuff!

Medieval Mercenaries is coming along well, I imagine it will be finished in about 2 weeks. Keep a look out for it!

Im getting more and more anxious to start Penguinz 2. I have SO many ideas swimming around my head and a really good idea of exactly how the game will be. Ive started planning enemies and bosses and im really looking forward to getting these guys nailed :)

Anyway more on that in a month :)

For now, big angry ogres:

Heres a new picture for you

Posted by Jimp - April 24th, 2009

Been working on a new game with LongAnimals for ArmorGames.

They said "blood is good", so Ive made it my personal target to make this game as bloody as possible, if not only to piss off the people who complained about the blood in Penguinz :)

Should be fun, and finished within a month!

New game, expect a lot of blood!

Posted by Jimp - April 13th, 2009

Warning! Lots of text.... sorry!

So LongAnimals asked me to write a post mortem for penguinz. The idea is that we can find out what people liked and didnt like, so as to improve the sequel as much as possible.

I thought I might as well post it up here too, there might be some people interested and its also an opportunity for people to let me know what they wanna see in a sequel!

Ive already got big plans and some really, really exciting ideas. This game will be leaps and bounds above the first, I promise.

Anyway, for anyone that cares:

Penguinz Post Mortem

My initial aim for Penguinz was to create my own favourite game. I had played a lot of flash games on Newgrounds and elsewhere on the internet, but never gone into game development myself. This was going to be my first proper game and I wanted it to fill a hole in the market I felt has been left.

Everyone loves shooting games. First Person Shooters are one of the best selling genres on both consoles and PCs, and most of the huge summer blockbusters like Halo, Gears of Wars, Half Life etc are all about weapons, amazing graphics and killing things. People want to kill things. Lots of things, The more over the top and bloodier, the better. Of course, creating an attractive first person shooter that plays well and hooks an audience is, in my opinion, impossible with the current standards of Flash (Unity on the other hand...).

So how could I translate this blockbuster-overthetop-killfest formula into a flash game? Well, WPNfire did it really quite well. I love the feel of the engine, the weapons, the blood, everything just felt powerful and real. But apart from the gameplay mechanics, there was no real GAME there. No storyline, just a list of different obscure game types. They were fun to mess around with, but after you shot a few things and tried everything out, you were left wanting more. The graphics were VERY nice, but still only stick figures. Where are the characters? Where are the levels, past a few nicely placed platforms and then the top of a building?

I wanted to deliver something with attitude and marketability. I wanted my character to be recognisable. I wanted all the enemies to stand out, be unique and different to play against. One of the most important aspects of a flash game is its learning curve and replayability. Its no use someone playing your game for 5 minutes and then closing it. I wanted people to play for hours, then come back again the next day and play it again. One of my favourite flash games ever is Staggy the Boyscout slayer. The gameplay is perfectly addicting: small fast arena based levels with lots of enemies and a plethora of upgrades and weapons in between each round. I decided to take this highly addictive onslaught style of gameplay and mix it with the high octane, guns blazing Hollywood feel of the big console games.

What went right:

The gameplay just works. The majority of players loved the simplicity and ease of playing the game. The gameplay mechanics work really well and the engine is just fun to play with. Simple, well known controls let players pick up and start playing the game in literally seconds, which was really important in trying to get players to stay past that initial few minutes, in which they decide whether they like the game or not. The game is very addictive and I think we could have lost a lot of potential fans if the learning curve had started off too steep.

New weapons and upgrades keep the player wanting to unlock more. One reason I think why the game has been a success is the shop. People love feeling like they are building up an arsenal, upgrading their guns and adding stats. The upgrades give the user more options on how they want to upgrade and I think players really like this choice, rather than just picking up weapons dropped by enemies.

The engine was well optimised and fast. Having the engine recoded by LongAnimals allowed us to have large amounts of enemies onscreen at once. I think this really stands apart from other games, and on later levels really gave some crazy scenarios, rather than just having enemies getting stronger and stronger. Having tons of enemies also made the game a lot more satisfying to play and gives the player a lot of gratification, especially on the later "bonus" levels with loads of weaker enemies.

The visuals are recognisable, original and attractive. In the early design stages of the game I spent a lot of time getting the style of the characters and weapons right. I think the game holds a unique and marketable visual style, which lends a lot to its popularity. People love penguins and it was an instant way of getting people to clicking on the game. Thumbnails are highly important in flash game distribution and I cant understand how people put so little effort into thumbs for games they've spent months on. It was clear to see that Penguinz got more than double the views some of the other games that were featured on Kongregates front page, and I can only think this was down to the thumb and title.

What went wrong:

The game gets boring and repetitive after a while. You spend all your time running left and right shooting, and there aren't enough game play elements to keep the player entertained for longer periods of time

Proper boss battles would help remedy this. In the sequel we should have attack patterns players can learn and use to their advantage like in Portal Defenders. Bosses should hopefully break up the mindless slaughter sections and keep players interested and active.

We could also have "champions" or something, like mini bosses. These would have more life than normal enemies and a few different attacks. Some levels you would fight a few of these champions rather than hordes of weaker enemies like in the first game. Again this would help keep from the monotony players got into after getting good weapons and running through the game mindlessly. This would also fit with the gladiator/coliseum idea we were going with.

Some of the weapons are misbalanced. The rocket launcher was very weak and didn't have splash damage, and the chainsaw was expensive and used up a lot of ammo, yet wasn't as good as the Gatling gun. This left players feeling pissed off after saving up for the stronger weapons only to find them not as effective as their previous upgraded weapons.

Its important that next time we get the weapon and upgrade balancing spot on.

The enemy types weren't diverse enough. Although there was a large amount of enemies, the way they all attacked and behaved was fairly similar. They didn't give a big enough variety in gameplay, which again added to the repetitiveness after longer periods of time with the game.

Players don't like losing everything when they die. We want people to play as long as possible and keep coming back for another go, so we don't want to frustrate them by losing their money or having to start again. With the next game, players should just revert back to the lobby before choosing their match. It will almost have RPG elements in the way you level up on practise rounds to get good enough to pass battle rounds, so a save system would add a lot of replayability.

Wow, so yeah, sorry about the wall of text :) If anyone actually read that, feel free to leave a comment or any suggestions for what you wanna see in the next game.

EDIT: Too much text with no pictures, I just cant do it! Here is something new and totally different ive been working on with longanimals. Not telling you what it is :)

Penguinz post mortem

Posted by Jimp - April 7th, 2009

Ive finally released Penguinz on Newgrounds!

Im so pleased with how this mutha turned out, and im really glad that a lot of you guys have enjoyed it :)

It would be great to hear some suggestions for a sequel, which will be made some time this year. Hopefully :) Im thinking the gameplay is gonna take a pretty different direction, away from the endless 30 second rounds.

I really wish we could put medals on the game but I think due to our Kongregate sponsorship terms and the achievements system we have set up with the game on thier site, it would piss people off. I would have loved more than anything to get the sponsored by newgrounds and I did try, but it didnt happen. Tom said he liked the game and was sorry he wasnt looking for any sponsorships, so who knows what badge youll see on the sequel.

What else?

I "finished" and submitted my uni project a few weeks ago, which i was pretty happy with. It was a 5 man group project but I had to learn AS3, code the engine and do the art work for the game in 2 months, as well as finish (and totally recode with LongAnimals, not that i did any coding) Penguinz.

So yeah it was pretty crazy, im fucking very happy with how the art in a few of the levels turned out. I spent a lottt of time of the tranisition and effect animations, and I think they help to really immerse and encourage the player to explore this dream world and their power to jump to Nightmare and back.

anyway, see what you think:

Dr Julius Mardoms Marvellous Mind

haha what a fucking title :D

I know the controls are buggy as fuck,, this is the state it was when it was submitted to uni, I think I did an alright job considering my workload and the fact that its the first game ive ever coded.

The storyline its pretty much 100% lost, apart from the random unexplinaed cutscenes, which are pretty funny :)

I dont know what to do with it really... I dread opening those .as files ever again, I want to kick AS3 in the dick and never let it touch me again.

But I feel it has some great moments and it has a lot of potential, its just let down by the buggy controls and the shit levels i didnt design.

dunno, what do you think? INSPIRE me if you dont wanna see it die!

Woah yeah ive talked a lot. Its 3am and im baked and im hungry and my girlfriends cooking me pasta and im happy.

Heres a concept image, its pretty.

EDIT: Link fixed now, should have checked that lolz. That pasta was GOOD!

Penguinz Released + test my new game!

Posted by Jimp - February 2nd, 2009

I made a post pretty recently about penguinz but fuck it, its coming along really fast and were gonna need beta testers very soon! There are loads of previous blog entries about the game if you dont know anything about it.

Im so happy this is coming to a finish after well over a year since I started the project!

The game will be reaching beta stages shortly, and due the balancing being very delicate in the game we want to test it well and get it right. Beta testers will need to give the game a good hour or so play time and give me a nice list of things they think are bad with the game so we can fix them, and any comments on anything else.

Anyone that is interested in beta testing the game please leave a comment here or PM me and ill give you further details tomorrow! The engine is SO fun to play around with with and also looks great, it really is a fun game to kill a few hours with.

Heres a new gameplay video showing off longanimals awesome new engine for the first time, plus a few of the pretty fuckin awesome weapons!

/* */

Posted by Jimp - January 29th, 2009

Hey! Im really excited at the moment, Penguinz has been coming on amazingly well in the last few weeks, I really think this game is going to be by far the best thing ive ever ever done. LongAnimals is fucking brilliant and can do pretty much anything I ask, this game is going to be be a lot better because of him!

We currently have all the enemies, levels and weapons in. Most of the work left to do is on the shop, balancing gameplay and lots of little effects and cool things... cant wait to see it all working properly!

The game should be finished in a few weeks... Ill be making a front page post closer to release with a trailer and probably be looking for some beta testers to iron out the bugs, so keep a look out for it... Its a big game and theres loads of little things that need to be tweaked :)

Ive also been working on an engine for another game... Yup, im throwing down the pen (well, not quite...) and coding a game! This is for a group uni project, chances are ill be doing all the art too though :) Its going to be really useful to get some actionscript skills and ive already put together a pretty neat little platformer engine! Hopefully you should start seeing some games fully coded and animated by me by the end of the year, as well as this game in a few months!

The basic idea behind the game is the player has the power to change from dream to nightmare. Gameplay will work similarly to the shift series, the single gameplay element and level design commanding the whole experience. You have to work your way through the dreams and nightmares of a coma patient, exploring his brain to finally wake him up.

Different parts of the brain will set the themes for each section, so for example the sensory section has a level based around sound, another around visual etc...

its a pretty exciting concept and Im really happy with the idea. It also gives me a change to do some awesome morphing transform animations which im looking forward to!

Try out a tech demo, my first game engine!link

arrows to move/jump
space to toggle dream/nightmare

commments pleeeease! I wish I could show more of penguinz!

Penguinz update and new game engine demo!