Just thought id post an update on my summer games for anyone that cares!
Redneck Downhill Challenge is going great, its been a lot of work with the editor LongAnimals is developing, but it will allow us to put huge levels together quickly, and is also a great framework for other games we can make in the future.
Ive done the movieclips and backgrounds for 5 levels, and Im really pleased with how diverse and different each one is. Hopefully the range of visuals and colours will keep eyes entertained and offer something visually new every time you reach a new stage.
Check out a nice big image here showing off 2 of the level templates! Fuck the 464x464 image limit!
Another game ive been working on, again with LongAnimals using the Redneck Engine, is a quick physics based puzzle game. The idea is to use guinea pigs to blow bubble gum balloons over animals and free them from the grip of the Anti Pig.... or something like that. Haha yeah its random as hell but i lover those little fuckers, just something quick to get me used to using the level editor.
If youre interested in flash game development and micro transactions (mochicoins?), check out this article, it really opened my eyes to how little we are actually getting for our work compared to other media industries with audiences in the tens of millions.
Ive been thinking a lot about this and I may well go down the micro transaction route with Penguinz 2. Id never charge for the whole game or even half the game, but making money from selling extra content means we can spend longer making better games and they can be a long term investment. This hopefully means we'll be able to spend 6 months + making the fucking best flash games ever, and be able to afford to eat. We'll see motherfuckers, peace out.
For anyone that cares :O?
its not for me :'(
ill fight you