Artist/Director at Massive Monster ╰( • ε • )╯

Age 35, Male



Joined on 8/5/05

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Jimp's News

Posted by Jimp - January 2nd, 2011

Shit, that time of year already? Had a great year in 2010 and released a load of games, a lot of which arent even on NG, but in 2011 I want to take it to the next level! I finally graduated last summer so this will be my first full year working in the industry without any other commitments.

Sushi Cat 2 will be my first game of the year and I couldn't be more happy with how its coming together! Joey has got the engine tight as hell and I've been going all out on the artwork make it look as good as possible! Probably be another few weeks work but its going great.

Zomgies 2 is still in the pipeline, I've just gotta find some time to finish some last bits, but its gonna be awesome!

Hoping to take a trip out to San Francisco for a few weeks in late feb/march for FGA and GDC! I've never been to America or any similar event so i'm pretty damn excited for that! Anyone gonna be about?

Here is a section of the SC2 level select :)

New Years plans!

Posted by Jimp - December 3rd, 2010

Got a new game up on Newgrounds, go and play Rescue on Cocoa Farm! It took a lot longer than expected due to countless projects inbetween, but I was pretty happy with how this one turned out!

Also check out xStream Fishing which has been around for a while now but I havent had a chance to mention it!


Zomgies 2 is coming along great and nearing completion! I'll make a more in depth post about that nearer release, but rest assured its looking bloody fantastic!


I've spent the last week or so working with JoeyBetzon the foundations for Sushi Cat 2. It is going to be a much larger game this time around with a longer story and more levels, LOADS of new features and updated graphics that are looking pretty sweet!

Check out this evolution of sushi cat image to see some comparisons with previous versions!

I'm very very excited about this one - the original games turned out great, but we had some pretty tight time restrictions which left us with about 7 full days work to do everything. This time around we have 5+ weeks, which has allowed us a lot more time to plan the game and story as well as deliver everything to the highest standard possible!

I'm planning on making some kind of timelapse or tutorial video next week while working on sushi cat. Is there anything in particular people would like to watch me work on, or maybe something I could walk through and draw in real time while giving tips? Gameplay assets, cutscenes, level/title screens?

Sushi Cat 2 + new games!

Posted by Jimp - November 13th, 2010

So I mentioned before that myself and Longanimals have decided to make a different game to Penguinz 2 before xmas. That game is the sequel to Zomgies, and we have been working hard over the last few weeks to make it as awesome as possible!

The first game got a really great reception on Newgrounds, but it did have a lot of flaws. We did the game in 2 weeks and because of this the artwork was pretty basic and some of the gameplay elements weren't properly thought out. The sequel will be a much more complete game, and we are focusing on fixing all the problems with the original, as well as offering a much wider variety of enemies, environments and weapons! Plus its gonna be a ton more gory, so be prepared!

Heres a timelapse of me drawing some background art for the game!

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What were peoples favorite things about the original game? Feedback and ideas are more than welcome, let us know what you want to see in the new game!

Other stuff -

Rescue on Cocoa Farm is out now on Armor Games! Its kind of like red remover but with candy and chocolate animals, check it out! Should be up on Newgrounds very soon.

xStream Fishing has also just gone up on Armor! This one adds a fishing twist to the tossing genre, its still a bit buggy but those will be fixed before it hits NG.

I also have another game called Corporation Inc I did with jmtb02 due out very soon. Its a business management game with a similar feel to games like Theme Hospital, I'm very excited to see how well it does! You can read a more in depth preview with screenshots here.

Also started talks with Joey about Sushi Cat 2. I'm not giving away anything, but its going to be a much bigger game than the original. Very excited ;)

Zomgies 2, loads of new games + timelapse vid!

Posted by Jimp - October 29th, 2010

Armor Games have just released Hedgehog Launch for iPod/pad/phone! Grab it while its free for a limited time! Hedgehog Launch App Store

This is the first of a number of iPhone ports I've done for Armor, all based on successful flash games. You can expect another one really quite soon. I'm excited to have been chosen for the job, theyve all been really fun to work on!

I've got a bunch of new flash games to release over the next week too, including a game with jmtb02 which i'm really excited about!

As for current projects, myself and LongAnimals decided to put Penguinz 2 on hold so we could release another new game before xmas. It was a hard decision to put the game on hold for the millionth time, but every time I start the project I get better and better and everything looks more awesome, so its for the best.

I'll announce what the new project is soon, rest assured its (almost) as awesome as Penguinz 2 will be though!

Follow ArtJimp on Twitter for updates on alll of these projects!

Hedgehog Launch on iPhone FREE + stuff

Posted by Jimp - October 11th, 2010

I've had a busy few weeks - started a new quick game with jmbt02 for Armor Games, I'm stoked to be working with yet another amazing programmer! Its a management/sim style game in the vein of Theme Hospital, and its turning out really nicely. This ones got a tight deadline, I only started the art last week, but you should see it pretty soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

Penguinz 2 is going well too - Its still in the planning/design stages but I'm really pleased with how the artwork and general style is turning out. This will EASILY be my best looking game to date and I'm really excited to see how it all comes together!

I'll be posting more frequent Penguinz 2 updates on my Twitter once I have more time for it, so be sure to follow @ArtJimp if you're into that kind of thing.

Here's a screen of some blood - its looking brutal :)

New project, Penguinz 2 Update

Posted by Jimp - October 1st, 2010

I'm gonna try to keep this short!

So, I've just started the groundwork for Penguinz 2! I've been waiting to make this game for nearly 2 years now, and is really special to me for a number of reasons. Penguinz was the first game I worked on with LongAnimals and also my first game to see real success in the industry. It also led to my first contract (Medieval Mercenary), which resulted in a great relationship with Armor Games and other games like Sushi Cat and FOUR upcoming iPhone games (more on those soon!)

I could sit and chat shit about this for hours, but for now here's a look at how the character has evolved over the last 2 years!

Follow me on Twitter for updates on Penguinz 2 and my other projects!!

Evolution of a Penguin :3

Posted by Jimp - September 18th, 2010

If you like Sushi Cat and have an iPhone you can now download it for free from the App Store! (linky) Its been getting great reviews and theres really no reason not to, its free! (unless you fucking hate sushi cat or don't have an iPhone :) ) Expect new levels soon, too!

Follow me on Twitter for updates on current projects and upcoming releases! @ArtJimp

If you have an FGL account you can check out my upcoming game xStream Fishing (wonderful name). It would be great to get some final feedback before we do one last update of the game and get it sponsored :)

I've been working on a few new iPhone games based on big name flash games for the guys at Armor Games. More on that soon, pretty excited to have been chosen to work on the projects! As well as those you can expect another popular Flash to iPhone conversion very soon, which i finished the art for a while ago!

My Chocolate game is coming along really well and nearly finished, really happy with hows its turned out, hopefully you guys will like it! Perhaps even more exciting is that Penguinz 2 is next!

Heres a screenie:

Projects / Twitter / Free iPhone Sushi Cat

Posted by Jimp - August 24th, 2010

Sup, I did a quick 2 day game for Armor Games with JoeyBetz last month, its just been released on Newgrounds so check it out! A simple twist on the match 3 genre, its a good way to kill 5 minutes. I like it when you get the Honey burst!

Check out Bumble Tumble!

Took August off making games to move back from Uni, got a nice top floor flat with my girlfriend - happy days! Time to make some games now though, got a few coming up:

Chocolate Game
First game i've made with LongAnimals for some time, we started this a while ago but my moving house and lack of internet halted its development. Its a quick Box 2D game with a chocolately theme and should be pretty to look at and a bit of simple fun.

LA has updated his game engine quite a bit since I last worked with him (was our last game really zOMGies?!), so this will allow me to get to grips with the new tools for our next project, Penguinz 2 :P

Super Awesome Fishing (shitty working title....)
My first "tossing" game (!), just a quickie with Craig who I'm also working on Enola with. It uses simple tossing (!!) mechanics with some gameplay twists and plenty of upgrades - it should be pretty fun! I'm enjoying making it and should be finished pretty soon, so keep a look out!

Plenty more coming soooon!

New game nd shit

Posted by Jimp - July 8th, 2010

Hey there!

I haven't posted here or submitted any new games for a while now, but I've been working my ass off over the last few months and currently have at least 6 games in various stages of development. Its getting pretty ridiculous now, things have just stacked up and I have no free time whatsoever.

Its all good though, I am 100% freelance now and the commissions just keep coming. I've been working with Armor Games over the last month on 2 iPhone games (and possibly a 3rd BIG name game coming up), both of which are ports from previously successful Flash games. I can't say any names but you can expect to see the first game in the App Store very soon, along with a new level pack of the original Flash game to promote it, with totally new artwork and content. I'm very happy with how both of them turned out ^ - ^

Enola is still going on in the background, but we've taken some time off from it to focus on other projects. After spending such a long time working on the game non stop towards the end of Uni, I just wanted to work on some different projects and get some quick games out. The game still needs a great deal of work and I don't want to compromise its final quality by trying to grind through it in one go. I have a short attention span :) This time of has given me a chance to sketch down a load of new enemies and characters and also rethink some of the game play mechanics.

Needless to say I'm already feeling revitalized about the project and really looking forward to getting back onto it and releasing the damn thing. The beta kinda failed because my web host went down the day after I sent links out and only about 3 people got to play it, so expect another opportunity to test the game near its release!

Thats all for now, expect games very soon!

UPDATE: Haha, wasn't expecting this so soon... You can now buy Sushi Cat for iPhone and iPod Touch! Click Here for the link to the App Store! I've gotta say they did a great job - i don't get any money if you buy the game but It is really good fun if you enjoyed the original :)

Sushi Cat out now on iPhone/iPod!

Posted by Jimp - June 2nd, 2010

Hey there!

Started a new game with LongAnimals, this one will be a quick box 2d physics games with a satisfying chocolately theme. Think red remover but with chocolate animals and bursting chocolate blocks. I thought I'd record myself animating and speed it up for kicks, its quite satisfying seeing a hours work in a few minutes. I wish I could work this fast!

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Here is the finished result. Not the best but each one I do gets better, Its quite an awkward thing to animate going from solid to liquid!

No idea when this game will see the light of day but keep a look out!

I might do more of these videos, what kind of things would you like to see me drawing/animating in the future?

Anyone heading to Download Festival next weekend? Pretty stoked about Killswitch engage being added to the line up, but I would have loved to see sum 41 >:(

Thats all for now, back to sushi brat...