Shit, that time of year already? Had a great year in 2010 and released a load of games, a lot of which arent even on NG, but in 2011 I want to take it to the next level! I finally graduated last summer so this will be my first full year working in the industry without any other commitments.
Sushi Cat 2 will be my first game of the year and I couldn't be more happy with how its coming together! Joey has got the engine tight as hell and I've been going all out on the artwork make it look as good as possible! Probably be another few weeks work but its going great.
Zomgies 2 is still in the pipeline, I've just gotta find some time to finish some last bits, but its gonna be awesome!
Hoping to take a trip out to San Francisco for a few weeks in late feb/march for FGA and GDC! I've never been to America or any similar event so i'm pretty damn excited for that! Anyone gonna be about?
Here is a section of the SC2 level select :)
Ok cool, I'll try and find time to do one next week! The timelapses are actually a massive pain in the arse anyways, takes sooo long to render and speed up and compress everything.