Elephant Quest is up on Newgrounds now! Go play! It turned out incredible, jmtb02 did a fantastic job creating a fun and immersive world, massive props to him for pulling it all together!
Got LOADS of games in the pipeline at the moment:
Zomgies 2 is FINISHED and we are now just looking for a sponsor - its epic and it'll be out soon!
Giraffe Game is also done, it'll be out soon, dont be a brat
I've also been working on two new iPhone conversions for Armor, they are fairly small but both look great, expect to see them soon!
ON TOP OF ALL THAT i've got a new game going with LongAnimals, its a totally new genre from what i'm used to but its very exciting to see how fast its been coming together - i'll post more about this real soon :) I swear we will make penguinz 2 after this.
EDIT: WOOT Sushi Cat 2 just won 3rd best game of March! This is awesome news, thanks to everyone that voted!
I love it :)
Thanks a lot man!