I just handed in my final project for University! 1 week from now I will officially start freelancing as a Flash Game artist full time - I cant wait!
As some people might know Enola is a project I have been working on for almost 4 months solid now, and has turned into by far my most ambitious game to date. I always intended to develop a stripped down version of the game as my final project for Uni, and then continue development afterwards until it was ready for web release. This would allow me to put a great deal of time into the project, something that on finishing my degree I would not be able to afford.
As development has progressed, and our final year trickled away, we had to strip more and more features from the game. I was adamant on spending as long as I needed on every art asset, but the scale of what I had planned was far to ambitious for me to pull off. It also didnt help that my programmer decided to rebuild the game from scratch 2 weeks before hand in!
The result is a very rough build of a battle system, no adventure mode, only 4 enemies, and lots of bugs. This sounds pretty pathetic for a game with such a long production, especially since my workflow is usually relatively fast. But FUCK it looks good. So many features that had a lot of time put into them didnt make it into this version of the game, and seeing the battle system and animation actually running has given me great confidence in the project as a whole, even if it takes another 6 months to finish.
As part of my degree I am required to write a production analysis on the project, and get feedback from my target audience on the positive and negative aspects of the game.
I am looking for around 10 people to test Enola in its current state, and give any feedback that they think is relevant. I know most of the things that are wrong with the game, but critique is always good and I need to do this for part of the grade. Please be aware that this is in no way anywhere NEAR the final release version, we have a great deal more work to do to improving performance, adding new features and content. Calling it a Beta is lying, badly. Saying that, youre feedback will be greatly valuable and almost definitely impact the final game, which we want to make as perfect as possible.
Leave a comment if you wanna test the game, I will only share the link with people I deem trustworthy though!
In other news I just sorted my first piece of freelance work, prepare for kawaiiPhone :3
Heya! Brazilian one here.
Loved your games Jimp. And I hope I would be a tester.
Looks awesome! (Enola, cool name...)
Thanks a lot mate! Ive sent you a link :)